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Can you wear blue light glasses all day?

When is the Right Time to Wear Blue Light Glasses?

There is a best time to wear blue light glasses and a time when you shouldn't wear blue light glasses. Follow along to discover the answer to the questions, can you wear blue light glasses all day and when should you wear blue light glasses to maximize their effectiveness?

Right Time to Wear Blue Light Glasses?

The right time to wear blue light blocking glasses - time of day

The short answer is that blue light blocking glasses should be worn anytime you look at a screen or spend time under light bulbs that emit blue light. In particular, being exposed to these blue light sources after it's dark outside should be avoided.

The reason for the timeframe is that our bodies use blue light exposure to help regulate our sleep-wake cycle ( circadian rhythm). Everyone's sleep cycles, mood, and stress levels are at their best when they exercise, eat healthful foods, and get enough sleep. All of these functions need to happen in a 24-hour period and are influenced by the person's environment and lifestyle.

Those who miss out on quality sleep because they are exposed to long hours of artificial blue light are significantly more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, mood disorders, high-stress levels, and more.

The right time to wear blue light blocking glasses - protection factor

Not all blue light blocking glasses are created equal. Unfortunately, some lenses offer more or less protection than others. The protection factor of blue light blocking glasses plays a role in how much exposure you have to blue light-emitting devices.

A hint of the protection factor is the color of the lens. The amount of protection offered will be useful, depending on your lifestyle and personal protection needs.

  • Clear and blue-tinted lensesMost will block only 35% of blue light but our lenses will block up to 99%. This is useful for those who work on screens, but need to be able to see and judge real colors, such as graphic designers and gamers.
  • Amber tinted lensescan offer up to 65% protection from blue light. This tint will minimize screen glare and strain because they offer protection from the harshest rays in the blue color spectrum, including high-intensity blue light and 100% of UV light.
  • Orange tinted lenses offer a higher degree of protection, ranging up to 95% protection. These lenses are best for people who are facing long terms of exposure to artificial blue light sources (i.e., screens and fluorescent bulbs), such as those who work night shifts.
  • Red tinted lenses provide the highest level of protection. They filter 100% of all blue light as well as green and violet radiation. It can feel like the lights have been dimmed when using these glasses, but green and violet rays are also a concern regarding sleep disruption. These are the best option for anyone wanting to avoid multiple light spectrums to optimize their sleep cycle and minimize eye strain. They are particularly useful for anyone who is considered high risk, such as those with macular degeneration who are already experiencing decreasing vision and want as much protection as possible to avoid early blindness.

When Shouldn't You Wear Blue Light Glasses?

Can you wear blue light glasses all day?

There are a few precautions to take when deciding whether to wear blue light blocking glasses as well as when to wear them.

When deciding on the best blue light blocking glasses, your lifestyle and blue light blocking needs are crucial factors.

You now know that red-tinted lenses will block as much as 100% of blue light as well as green light waves and UV radiation. This level of protection is necessary for people who spend a great deal of time outdoors in harsh bright environments.

For example, those who work ski lifts and teach ski classes are not only exposed to bright outdoor light but spend time in an environment where light is reflected and radiation is magnified, causing significant ocular damage quickly. People with this level of light exposure will want to ensure the highest level of protection.

It's also worth noting that those who work the night shift with four or more hours of exposure to artificial blue light will experience sleep disturbances and risk higher stress, depression, and anxiety. By significantly limiting overnight exposure with strong protection, such as red or orange-tinted lenses, you'll be optimizing your health and minimizing risk.

Most clear lenses only offer at most 35% protection. While these allow painters, graphic artists, and other professionals who need to be able to see true color as they work prefer these lenses. However, wearing these lenses after the sun has gone down will mean you are still experiencing a great deal of eye strain from artificial blue light sources. More than six to eight hours of blue light exposure is problematic, so switching to lenses that offer more protection at night is vital to your physical and mental health.

Can You Wear Blue Light Glasses If You Have Certain Conditions?

Blue light radiation can cause eye strain and sleep disruption when you get too much of it, particularly when you are exposed to artificial blue light waves after dark when your body is trying to regulate your body's natural rhythms.

However, there are a few tips regarding some conditions and the use of blue light blocking glasses.

  • Those suffering from depression or similar conditions can actually benefit from daily doses of sunlight. Wearing blue light blockers that significantly reduce light exposure may limit the mood-boosting, medically beneficial reasons to get some time under natural blue skies.
  • Those with macular degeneration are advised to wear strong sunglasses throughout the day, including time spent inside if they are in a bright room. These directions from your doctor are meant to minimize and slow deterioration. While blue skies are good for your mood in small doses, those with this condition will want to be extra careful and extremely diligent about protection.
  • Those who wear prescription eyeglasses full-time will often choose to add blue light blocking filters to their lenses. This will help when spending great lengths of time on blue light devices during the day. For more night-time protection, consider buying lenses with heavier blue light blocking properties such as our blue Armor Lenses and combine these with a blue light blocking coating.

Final Thoughts

While blue light blocking glasses are a popular device for those looking to find relief for eye strain and improve their sleep, there is more to this solution than meets the eye. Be sure to choose lenses that suit your lifestyle and take your risk factors into account.

Some conditions lend themselves to more or less protection. Tinted lenses offer different levels of protection. And how you use your glasses will limit or enhance your protection factor.

Clear and blue, amber, orange, and red lenses all have a function that is best applied according to the level of protection you need from the outside environment as well as your exposure time on blue light-emitting screens and light bulbs. Time of day is also a factor because the body uses cues from natural blue light sources to help regulate the body's cadence.

Check with your retailer about the level of protection your blue light glasses offer. And always check with your ophthalmologist if you have health concerns and want to implement blue light blocking glasses into your protection toolbox.

Do blue light glasses really work?

What Is Blue Light, and Why Does It Matter?

Do blue light glasses really work?

As a quick review, our eyes take in daily light from many sources. Natural outdoor light, indoor lighting, computers and other screens.. For each light source, there is a vast spectrum of light rays with varying amounts of intensity, or wavelengths.

If you were to illustrate the light spectrum in terms of the rainbow's colors, imagine red being at one end of the spectrum. As you view through the remaining colors, orange, yellow, and green you get to the blue portion of the spectrum. Inside the blue portion, there’s invisible ultraviolet light, which is what we know causes snow blindness and sunburns.

This spectrum of light includes harsh rays that have high electromagnetic radiation because of their short wavelength. The other end of the spectrum consists of longer wavelengths containing less energy that do less harm to our bodies. The rays on the harsh end of the spectrum with shorter wavelengths include blue light rays (400-470nm).

Some scientists say that even though this blue light spectrum has shorter wavelengths, they aren’t harmful enough to cause substantial damages. They warn that it’s the ultraviolet radiation, part of the invisible spectrum of light, that we need to be diligent about blocking. Many people already do this with sunscreen and polarized sunglasses.

Other scientists point out that even though blue light isn’t harmful in moderation, we are now over exposed because we spend an abnormal amount of time exposed to screens and LED lights. These are the scientists who recommend blue light blocking glasses to help curb exposure during those long hours in the light, whether it’s outside, inside, or on our screens.

Blue light blocking glasses are designed to filter out harmful blue light emitted by screens. Now let’s take a more in-depth look at blue light and where the argument lands when it comes to blue light glasses.

Is Blue Light Harmful to Your Eyes?

As mentioned, there are two sides to every coin, and the discussion on blue light has compelling perspectives on both sides, making the utility of blue light blocking glasses a confusing matter.

Two things scientists all agree on:

  1. Blue light is harmful, and overexposure can increase the risk of eye disease.
  2. Time spent on digital devices does cause eye strain, affecting upwards of 59% of Americans. Symptoms include dry eyes, blurred vision, teary or watery eyes, disrupted sleep patterns, and headaches.

The scientific disagreement lies in whether the blue light rays emitted from digital devices cause these symptoms and are harmful enough to warrant blue light blocking glasses.

Is Blue Light Harmful to Your Eyes  

They nay-sayers

On the one side, the scientists who don’t support blue light blocking glasses say the symptoms people are experiencing are simply a result of the overuse of digital devices.

In an interview with ScienceBlog in January 2020, Amir Mohsenin, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor in the Ruiz Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science at UTHealth‘s McGovern Medical School pointed out, “We don’t really have any data that supports blue-blocking glasses as being better for your eyes when you’re using a computer. It’s hard to recommend something without knowing more details about it.”

He went on to say, “The reality is that most of the problems we’re having with computers and eyestrain aren’t from blue light; it’s from how we use the computers, We’re spending more and more time in front of the computer screens. There are things you can do to minimize eyestrain, but as ophthalmologists, we’re not recommending blue-blocking glasses.”

When questioned about the source of eye strain when using digital devices, if not the result of blue light, some optometrists call out blinking as the real problem. Humans blink around 15 times per minute, which can be cut in half when staring at screens. Not blinking can understandably contribute to several common forms of eye strain, such as dry or watery eyes.

Those in favor

On the other side, some scientists and optometrists say the science is already available, even if the data specifically addressing blue light and screens hasn’t yet been collected and analyzed.

Natural blue light in the proper amounts isn’t dangerous. Blue light wavelengths are what makes the sky blue. They help regulate our natural circadian rhythms, our natural wake, and sleep cycles. Blue light can also boost alertness, elevate moods, and wards off depression. Too much natural blue light can be extremely harmful, leading to eye strain, macular degeneration, retina damage or blindness, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Artificial blue light, including electronic devices (i.e., computer screens, cell phones, tablets), some televisions, fluorescent bulbs, and LED lights, have a well-documented history of causing eye strain and sleep cycle disturbances.

It is believed that while blinking less is problematic and contributes to eye strain, the evidence does point to blue light as a contributing factor. There may not be long-term studies revealing its contribution to eye disease, but there’s plenty of current data pointing to blue light exposure as a problem.

In particular, even if the blue light emitted from screens and light bulbs is minimal, it makes sense that spending a growing percentage of our days staring at screens will lead to more exposure to blue light and a higher risk of damage.

“Blue light glasses will not help you with eye strain, says Relief Jones, III, MD, a board-certified ophthalmologist and medical director at the San Antonio Eye & Face Institute. That's because "the symptoms of 'eyestrain' that is experienced by individuals using electronics for an excessive amount of time are due to dry eyes syndrome." "Blue light from electronics trick the brain into thinking that it's still daytime, so melatonin production is inhibited. This can lead to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep," Jones says.

Eye Relief Without Special Eyewear

Whether or not blue light is a contributing factor, it’s well established that screen time leads to eye strain and disrupted sleep patterns because of the tendency to blink 50% less while staring at screens. Luckily, because computer vision syndrome (CVS) is well-researched, we do know there are several things you can do to help reduce symptoms and long-term damage.

  • Obey the 20-20-20 rule. Ophthalmologists have been recommending this for decades. Take a 20-second break every 20-minutes to look at something 20 feet away. This short break can offer a break to overstrained eyes.
  • Use artificial tears. You can shut your eyes for short periods to allow moisture to build up briefly and to give your eyes a break. For chronic dryness, using teardrops can lubricate eyes for some individuals.
  • Keep screens at a distance. Your phone and computer screen should be kept at about 20 inches away, or the approximate length of your arms.
  • Keep glare to a minimum. You can adjust the brightness on your screen, control the contrast, consider a matte screen filter, and sit in a location where lighting is sufficient, but also minimizes glare.

Proven Benefits of Blue Light Glasses

Of all the benefits touted by eyeglass companies and lens manufacturers, what are the real, science-backed and anecdotal benefits of blue light glasses? And are blue light glasses worth it?

Do blue light glasses really work?

We’ve covered a great deal, so here is a summary of the benefits:

  • There are an increasing number of studies being done to show that blue-light blocking glasses help with age-related and genetic deterioration, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
  • Blue light interferes with our natural sleep cycles - our circadian rhythm. Blue light blocking glasses can help get our cycle back to normal when worn regularly. This is not only helpful for people who spend a great deal of time in front of screens, but those who regularly work night shifts.
  • There is plenty of evidence, particularly anecdotal for now, with increasing scientific studies, that show blue light blocking lenses can help alleviate eye strain and irritation. That includes blurred vision, headaches, tired eyes, watery eyes, and dry eyes.

Blue light glasses benefits are varied and still debated by opthamologists, but there is evidence, both scientific and anecdotal that make a compelling argument for the use of blue light lenses.

So, Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

To summarize, while long-term studies are still missing from the body of research, we do know that staring at screens for long periods can cause computer vision syndrome (CVS). This condition leads to many uncomfortable symptoms, including dryness, watery eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and sleep cycle problems.

We also know that blue light is a short form of light radiation that can be beneficial in everyday life but can lead to significant eye damage when overexposure occurs.

Some scientists point out that there isn’t data about the blue light emitted from artificial light sources to know whether they are causing real damage. Other doctors and scientists point out that since we know blue light is damaging and we know that people are spending an increasing amount of time on blue light-emitting devices, using blue light blocking glasses is a useful way to avoid the likely overexposure.

If you find yourself taking the side of the professionals who follow the logic that blue light blocking lenses can be very useful, you’re in the right place. At Overnight Glasses, we understand that protecting yourself doesn’t need the validation of data when the logic stands for itself.

Overnight Glasses offers high-quality, trusted brand name frames at low prices with fast delivery. Order your blue light blocking lenses today, and you can have them in-hand with guaranteed overnight delivery.

How to take care of your prescription glasses?

Care of Your Prescription Glasses

What’s the Proper Way to Clean Your Glasses?

Not everyone realizes that there’s a right and a wrong way to clean your glasses. Knowing how to clean prescription glasses means you’ll not only see more clearly for longer, but you’ll also help your lenses last longer.

High-quality prescription lenses have several coatings to keep your eyes healthy and your lenses lasting longer. For example, the best lenses will have a scratch-resistant coating to help protect your glasses from normal wear and tear. Plus, they often have coatings that protect your eyes from harmful UV light and a glare-resistant coating on glasses for driving at night.

There are two types of cleaning. First, everyday cleaning that gets rid of smudges and dust. And deep cleaning helps to wipe away oily residue, removes dirt in hard-to-reach places like where the frames meet the lenses, and even helps to wipe away light scratches or discoloration.

For general, everyday cleaning, follow these steps:

  1. Whenever possible, wash your hands before you clean your lenses.
  2. Choose a spray-on liquid cleaner that is made for prescription glasses. Also, choose a soft, highly absorbent microfiber fabric that will wipe away dirt and oily smudges.
  3. While holding your glasses at the frame above or at the arm joint, spray your lenses with your cleaning solution.
  4. Using your microfiber cloth or cleaning tool to gently but firmly clean your lenses using small, circular motions.
  5. Be sure to get all the way to the edges of your lenses, and pay special attention to smudges and fingerprints
  6. Hold your lenses up to the light to be sure you’re addressing all areas. Then let them dry completely before putting them on.

For a deep cleaning, follow these instructions:

  1. Always wash your hands before the deep cleaning.
  2. Create a solution of your favorite lens cleaner and lukewarm water. Soak your frames for one-to-three minutes.
  3. Use a cotton ball, q-tip, or similar tool to gently clean along with the arms, paying attention to where they rest on the ears and along your face. There is often a build of oils and dirt here because it’s where they rest on your face. Do the same for the nose bridge.
  4. Pay special attention to the screws and joints. Be sure not to unscrew anything, but open and close the arms to ensure you reach as much of the joint as possible.
  5. Use your preferred lens cleaner to reach all the way around where the lenses meet the frames. If the lenses are removable, go ahead and take them out to give them a thorough cleaning all the way to the edge. Once you put them back into your frames, clean the main area of each lens to get rid of fingerprints.
  6. Let your glasses thoroughly air dry in a clean, safe place.

Always follow the manufacturers’ instructions when it comes to cleaning lenses and frames. Different materials require varied types of care. And lenses often come with coatings that sometimes mean you’ll want to avoid some types of glass cleansers. For example, glass cleaner and acetone have harmful substances that may break down the lens coatings and may even damage some frames.

Do not use your saliva or breathe on your lenses to clean them. This causes bacteria from your mouth to be delivered to your lenses, which can transfer to your eyes, and may even cause unnecessary wear on your lens coatings. Also, avoid abrasive tools and fabrics to clean your glasses. They may cause scratches or wear down the protective lens coatings.

Caring for Eyeglass Frames

Many eyeglass retailers and ophthalmologists offer a professional cleaning service. Consider bringing your glasses into the place where you purchased them for a quarterly cleaning. Or ask your eye doctor if they have a deep cleaning service option. This can be invaluable if your lenses cannot be removed or you are wary of trying to remove them yourself.

Always build good habits when it comes to your caring for your eyeglasses frames. Keeping a small eyeglass frames kit available means you can periodically test the screws to ensure they are not coming loose. You can also check the joints to make sure it’s keeping the right amount of tension. And adjust the noseband as needed.

Care of Your Prescription Glasses

Safely Store Your Glasses

Eyeglass storage is one of the top ways to keep your frames and prescription lenses in great shape. Whenever you need to store them for travel or when they are not in use, it’s best to keep them in a hard case, rather than a soft pouch or resting them on a surface.

If possible, have a case for your home as well as your car or bag for travel. That way, if you forget to bring the case, you won’t need to rest them on a surface where they can get scratched or dirty.

Excessive heat or sunlight can warp the frame and prematurely age the lens coatings. Keep them in a cool, dry place whenever possible

What to Do if Your Eyeglasses are Scratched?

Unfortunately, scratches happen even when you’re careful. And not all scratches will buff out of the lens with a good cleaning.

If you find the scratch remains even after you’ve carefully cleaned both sides of the lens, chances are, it’s not going anywhere. You’ll need to buy replacement prescription lenses. This is especially true if the scratch is somewhere that affects your vision and safety.

The best strategy when it comes to scratched eyeglasses is prevention and preparedness. Try to have a backup pair of lenses or eyeglasses available. And go ahead and invest in the anti-scratch lens coating. It’ll save money in the long run since normal wear and tear does inevitably cause scratches.

Establish Good Habits for Wearing Your Glasses

Good habits and best practices are vital when trying to extend the life of your glasses. Always handle your glasses with care using both hands.

Avoid putting your glasses on top of your head. This can lead to scratches, dirt, and oil build-up. Plus, you run the risk of them falling off your head.

Avoid pushing on the nose piece to put your glasses in place. Instead, get frames that fit well and don’t move often. When your frames do occasionally slip out of place, gently nudge them back up using the back of a finger on the bottom of the lens. Or reposition them with both hands on the arms of the frames.

Wash them often, store them carefully, and use the right products and tools. That means you may need to keep a kit in your car, bag, and at home, so you don’t reach for the bottom of your shirt or the paper towels. Keeping the right cleaner and a gentle microfiber cloth nearby will help you avoid the temptation to use whatever is nearby and convenient.

Final Thoughts

Always store them properly, wash them carefully, and handle your eyewear with care. Use the right tools, and build good habits. Knowing how to take care of glasses, especially how to clean prescription glasses properly, means you’ll significantly extend the life of your eyewear.

Contact our experts at Overnight Glasses for your next pair of glasses. We always use the best, high-quality lenses and the best, high-quality frames. And we’ll make sure your glasses are delivered fast.




Silhouette Prescription Eyewear founders were seeking a way to reach the forefront of fashion while operating as a functional solution for those who want quality engineering as much as beautiful design, and securely accommodate prescription lenses. They succeeded.

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        How to Take Care of Your Prescription Glasses?

        Michelle Photo 17/12/2020 | Michelle Lievense| 5 Min Read

        Prescription glasses represent a significant investment. Not only do you invest money to buy high-quality lenses and frames, but you also invest time and effort in selecting the ideal frames that suit your face and your personal aesthetic. Knowing how to take care of glasses that represent such an investment in time, money, and effort means you will ensure your valuable investment lasts longer.

        Article at a Glance

        • Let’s take a look at how to take care of your glasses, including how to clean prescription glasses the right way and store them properly.
        • We’ll also examine what to do if your lenses get scratched and habits to build when wearing your glasses.
        • Taken together, these best practices will help ensure your glasses last a lifetime - or at least until your lens prescription changes.

        how to take care of glasses

        What’s the Proper Way to Clean Your Glasses?

        Not everyone realizes that there’s a right and a wrong way to clean your glasses. Knowing how to clean prescription glasses means you’ll not only see more clearly for longer, but you’ll also help your lenses last longer.

        High-quality prescription lenses have several coatings to keep your eyes healthy and your lenses lasting longer. For example, the best lenses will have a scratch-resistant coating to help protect your glasses from normal wear and tear. Plus, they often have coatings that protect your eyes from harmful UV light and a glare-resistant coating for driving at night.

        There are two types of cleaning. First, everyday cleaning that gets rid of smudges and dust. And deep cleaning helps to wipe away oily residue, removes dirt in hard-to-reach places like where the frames meet the lenses, and even helps to wipe away light scratches or discoloration.

        For general, everyday cleaning, follow these steps:

        1. Whenever possible, wash your hands before you clean your lenses.
        2. Choose a spray-on liquid cleaner that is made for prescription glasses. Also, choose a soft, highly absorbent microfiber fabric that will wipe away dirt and oily smudges.
        3. While holding your glasses at the frame above or at the arm joint, spray your lenses with your cleaning solution.
        4. Using your microfiber cloth or cleaning tool to gently but firmly clean your lenses using small, circular motions.
        5. Be sure to get all the way to the edges of your lenses, and pay special attention to smudges and fingerprints.
        6. Hold your lenses up to the light to be sure you’re addressing all areas. Then let them dry completely before putting them on.

        For a deep cleaning, follow these instructions:

        1. Always wash your hands before the deep cleaning.
        2. Create a solution of your favorite lens cleaner and lukewarm water. Soak your frames for one-to-three minutes.
        3. Use a cotton ball, q-tip, or similar tool to gently clean along with the arms, paying attention to where they rest on the ears and along your face. There is often a build of oils and dirt here because it’s where they rest on your face. Do the same for the nose bridge.
        4. Pay special attention to the screws and joints. Be sure not to unscrew anything, but open and close the arms to ensure you reach as much of the joint as possible.
        5. Use your preferred lens cleaner to reach all the way around where the lenses meet the frames. If the lenses are removable, go ahead and take them out to give them a thorough cleaning all the way to the edge. Once you put them back into your frames, clean the main area of each lens to get rid of fingerprints.
        6. Let your glasses thoroughly air dry in a clean, safe place.

        Always follow the manufacturers’ instructions when it comes to cleaning lenses and frames. Different materials require varied types of care. And lenses often come with coatings that sometimes mean you’ll want to avoid some types of glass cleansers. For example, glass cleaner and acetone have harmful substances that may break down the lens coatings and may even damage some frames.

        Do not use your saliva or breathe on your lenses to clean them. This causes bacteria from your mouth to be delivered to your lenses, which can transfer to your eyes, and may even cause unnecessary wear on your lens coatings. Also, avoid abrasive tools and fabrics to clean your glasses. They may cause scratches or wear down the protective lens coatings.

        Caring for Eyeglass Frames

        Many eyeglass retailers and ophthalmologists offer a professional cleaning service. Consider bringing your glasses into the place where you purchased them for a quarterly cleaning. Or ask your eye doctor if they have a deep cleaning service option. This can be invaluable if your lenses cannot be removed or you are wary of trying to remove them yourself.

        Always build good habits when it comes to your caring for your eyeglasses frames. Keeping a small eyeglass frames kit available means you can periodically test the screws to ensure they are not coming loose. You can also check the joints to make sure it’s keeping the right amount of tension. And adjust the noseband as needed.

        how to take care of glasses

        Safely Store Your Glasses

        Eyeglass storage is one of the top ways to keep your frames and prescription lenses in great shape. Whenever you need to store them for travel or when they are not in use, it’s best to keep them in a hard case, rather than a soft pouch or resting them on a surface.

        If possible, have a case for your home as well as your car or bag for travel. That way, if you forget to bring the case, you won’t need to rest them on a surface where they can get scratched or dirty.

        Excessive heat or sunlight can warp the frame and prematurely age the lens coatings. Keep them in a cool, dry place whenever possible

        What to Do if Your Eyeglasses are Scratched?

        Unfortunately, scratches happen even when you’re careful. And not all scratches will buff out of the lens with a good cleaning.

        If you find the scratch remains even after you’ve carefully cleaned both sides of the lens, chances are, it’s not going anywhere. You’ll need to buy replacement prescription lenses. This is especially true if the scratch is somewhere that affects your vision and safety.

        The best strategy when it comes to scratched eyeglasses is prevention and preparedness. Try to have a backup pair of lenses or eyeglasses available. And go ahead and invest in the anti-scratch lens coating. It’ll save money in the long run since normal wear and tear does inevitably cause scratches.

        Establish Good Habits for Wearing Your Glasses

        Good habits and best practices are vital when trying to extend the life of your glasses. Always handle your glasses with care using both hands.

        Avoid putting your glasses on top of your head. This can lead to scratches, dirt, and oil build-up. Plus, you run the risk of them falling off your head.

        Avoid pushing on the nose piece to put your glasses in place. Instead, get frames that fit well and don’t move often. When your frames do occasionally slip out of place, gently nudge them back up using the back of a finger on the bottom of the lens. Or reposition them with both hands on the arms of the frames.

        Wash them often, store them carefully, and use the right products and tools. That means you may need to keep a kit in your car, bag, and at home, so you don’t reach for the bottom of your shirt or the paper towels. Keeping the right cleaner and a gentle microfiber cloth nearby will help you avoid the temptation to use whatever is nearby and convenient.

        Final Thoughts

        Always store them properly, wash them carefully, and handle your eyewear with care. Use the right tools, and build good habits. Knowing how to take care of glasses, especially how to clean prescription glasses properly, means you’ll significantly extend the life of your eyewear.

        Contact our experts at Overnight Glasses for your next pair of glasses. We always use the best, high-quality lenses and the best, high-quality frames. And we’ll make sure your glasses are delivered fast.

        Michelle Photo
        Michelle Lievense
        Health Science Writer

        Michelle is a contributing writer for Overnight Glasses. Much of her career as a veteran content writer has been in the health and science fields. While writing for Overnight Glasses, she has drawn on her background to bring to light the latest science on the design and engineering behind better vision. When she isn’t tapping away at her keyboard, she can be found hiking with her dog, gardening, or reading with a cat by her side.


        Emporio Armani

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        If you’re ready for trendsetting eyeglasses that are crafted with clean, contemporary construction, and minimalist design, then you’re ready for Emporio Armani. This is the eyewear you want if you’re looking to make a statement with artful details and bold fashion. One of the most sought-after brands, Emporio Armani is the go-to style that can suit anyone ready for a bold aesthetic.

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          Tory Burch is an American luxury lifestyle brand on the verge of claiming legendary status. They embody a unique sense of style while remaining attainable. Founded by designer Tory Burch, the same named company was launched in 2004. It all started with what’s now considered iconic Reva ballet flats and a classic tunic. She then expanded her company to accessories, beauty, and apparel. Their first eyewear collection was launched with Luxottica in 2009. The Tory Burch prescription glasses style is known for bold colors, graphic prints, and signature eclectic style.

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            Oakley prescription glasses are an iconic California company, named after the founder’s dog, Oakley Anne, 1975. Over the years Oakley prescription eyeglasses have become synonymous with innovation and technology. The true test has become Oakley prescription glasses authenticity. All wearers proudly sport the company icon - an “O” etched into the frame, ensuring they carry the dependability and quality promised by the brand.

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